ElectroTechnicalOne–Stop Solution for Calibration & Assured Quality
Unmatched level of Calibration Measurement Capability (CMC)
The technical team engaged in calibration is well-trained & experienced in relevant fields. Our organization offers services to clients from all over India with the same turnaround time, regardless of the distance and location.
Instacal runs a well-equipped facility with the Best CMC for the calibration of both the Measuring & sourcing instruments. Almost 90% of electro-technical parameters from basic parameters (Current, time) to updated derived parameters are all executed under one roof, covering almost all electro-technical parametes.
Our laboratories are equipped with a wide range of measuring instruments of highest accuracy and stable standards comparable to National / International standards and are managed by qualified and well-trained personnel.
The state of the art high precision calibration facilities includes:

Each calibration procedure is followed by generating a detailed calibration report containing measured values, measurement uncertainty and measurement traceability at each point of measurement.
The key areas of high precision calibration services include: